10D Nylon check high density 500T
  • 10D Nylon check high density 500T

10D Nylon check high density 500T

FOB 참조 가격 구매 수량 (마당)

500 ~ 999 마당

US $2.19

>= 1000 마당

US $2.08

최소 주문 수량500 마당
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This kind of fabric is mainly used for mountaineering wear, ski wear.


It's ask high performance requirements of the product,suitable for the use of sports function, has a protective role for people.

The fabric workmanship is fine, feel soft, comfortable to wear.

And has waterproof, windproof, moisture, sweat, UV protection-penetrability Etc.

10D Nylon check high density 500T

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